Stem Cells

First to know is the localization of these in the body which is on the multicellular organisms. They have the ability to renew themselves through meiotic cell division and differentiate into a diverse range of specialized cell types. (Tottipotent, Pitipotent, multipotent, unipotent and Nullipotent)

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Conveys of Information

They first empreriment with stem cells... when the results are given they publice it, for example:

"EXCLUSIVE: WORLD-renowned Melbourne scientist Alan Trounson's $1m stem cell research project is under investigation after it was scrapped for delivering highly doubtful results.

Monash University is examining anomalies in interim findings from the lung regeneration research conducted in its labs with public money.

Prof Trounson -- a doctor of philosophy who was headhunted to run the world's richest stem cell outfit in the US next year -- was the project's principal investigator.

The research was done by a team of about 13 scientists, including postgraduate students, to see how stem cells might help slow lung disease in cystic fibrosis sufferers.

It was stopped in February when the Australian Stem Cell Centre cut funding after a three-week investigation found inconsistencies in multiple progress reports.

The Herald Sun has learned the reports were signed by Prof Trounson and a senior researcher.

Prof Trounson was appointed last month to run the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine's $3.3 billion stem cell research program from San Francisco.

Government departments overseen by federal Industry Minister Ian MacFarlane, Science Minister Julie Bishop and Victoria's Innovation Minister, Gavin Jennings, have been briefed on the matter.

Prof Trounson, who was at his Monash office yesterday, said: "I will not comment on this matter while it is being investigated by the university."

'The ASCC, which hired a top scientist to check the reports, referred its findings to the university last December.

Monash deputy vice-chancellor for research Prof Edwina Cornish's investigative committee has yet to deliver a finding.

Prof Trounson has been questioned, but Monash says he is not being investigated.

Scientists must submit 90-day progress reports to keep grant cash flowing.

The Herald Sun believes lab records contradicted assertions in the reports that said agreed research benchmarks had been met.

ASCC chair Prof Vicki Sara confirmed reporting problems had triggered the funding cut.

"The ASCC undertook an independent assessment of the Adult Stem Cell Lung Regeneration Project in late November 2006, based on detected inconsistencies in the regular reports to the ASCC," she said.

"The matter is now under investigation by Monash University, the host institution for the research and employer of the scientists within the project, and we will await their advice.

Monash University spokesman Tim Mitchell said the investigation into "possible inconsistencies" was continuing and distanced the institution from the research.

"There is no suggestion of research misconduct by Prof Trounson," he said.

It is believed that one researcher is the focus of the investigation.

The project started in August 2005.

When approached by the Herald Sun this week, the researcher believed to be under investigation claimed commercial interests had caused the funding cut.

The ASCC, which Prof Trounson co-founded, is due to receive $115 million in state and federal funding over 10 years until 2011.

Prof Trounson had been a director of the ASCC board with an annual salary package worth $287,000 until June 2006 when he resigned.

He was a driving force behind Australia's first IVF birth in 1980.

His work raised hope stem cells might one day be used to fight disease.

Prof Trounson issued an apology for misleading Parliament in 2002 after he showed MPs a video of a paralysed rat that he said was able to walk after being treated with embryonic stem cells.

It later emerged that a different type of cell – a germ cell – had been used in the treatment."